Film Or Life

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Film or Life The reader of a book has a certain connection with the author and the text. This has been known for a long time, but what some people take for granted is the links they receive from watching a film. The link when people watch a movie they really don't think to in depth as they would if they were reading a book. However a film can serve as a mirror for the viewer who is watching it. In, The Imaginary Signifier, Christian Metz states, Thus film is like the mirror. But it differs from the primordial mirror in one essential point: although, as in the latter, everything may come to be projected, there is one thing and one thing only that is never reflected in it: the spectator's own body. In a certain emplacement, the mirror suddenly becomes clear glass (802).

Metz declares how a film can reflect who watches it and whoever does can envision themselves in the characters role, except in a different body.

In David Fincher's Fight Club, the narrator brings you through a symbolic order which is the second step in developing a new identity. The first step is shown in Anthony Minghella's film The Talented Mr. Ripley, by having Tom Ripley enter a mirror stage that constructs and destructs his identity. The building and destroying of this new identity affects the viewer by sending them tumbling into mirror stage. This happens due to the dialogues of the characters and the way that the viewer can relate to them. The way a viewer relates to the characters is unique to oneself and can be in anyway, you may agree or be in conflict with the character; you may sympathize with them or feel whatever emotion that they bring out of you, the...