It is a final product on charles dickens, mostly about Great expectations. Great paper with quotes.

Essay by sophmore86High School, 11th gradeA+, March 2005

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Charles Dickens' novel, Great Expectations is the story of a village orphan named

Pip, who struggles throughout the novel to find his place in society. Dickens explores the

theme of guilt in the narrative by means of the main character Pip. Dickens strikes the

reader , however, with the various forms of guilt throughout his life. Each stage of Pip's

life represents a different stage of guilt and an evolution of his morals. During his

childhood, Pip experiences the guilt of conscience when he helps a convict. As he

becomes an adolescent he feels guilty for being poor (also linked to his guilt of being

rejected by Estella for being poor) and for once being ashamed of his loved

ones. Through Pip, Dickens explores the meaning of morality through Pip's guilt and

social advancement. This idea is also shared in a critical literature survey:

What strikes one most powerfully about this compact and

streamline narrative- technically, perhaps Dickens' best-is

the excessive and apparently unmotivated guilt of its hero.

The author, Dickens, shows the change of Pip's view of crime within his encounters with

the justice system and the characters Magwitch. The image of crime and criminal justice

pervades the book, becoming an important symbol of Pip's inner struggle, as a young

child, to resolve his own inner moral conscience; whether criminals are right in their

actions or the justice system is wrong in its actions. Just as social class becomes an

outward standard of value that Pip must learn to look beyond in finding a better way to

live his life, the external trappings of the criminal justice system (police, courts, jails,

etc.) become an exterior standard of morality that he has to look beyond to trust his

inner conscience. Magwitch, for instance, frightens Pip at first simply because he...