The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom - Book Report

Essay by eidHigh School, 10th gradeB+, February 2010

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To many people, heaven is a paradise full happiness and peace where good people are expected to go after death. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, however, heaven takes on a whole different meaning. Everyday in this world, we interact with many people and it only takes one little thing to happen to change our lives forever. Heaven is a place where people, after their death, meet the five people who had made a significant impact on their lives and learn about the meaning of life. This story starts off with its protagonist named Eddie, an amusement park mechanic, who dies while trying to save a little girl. Eddie goes to heaven and it is here where he is made aware and learned that he had a purpose in his life from the five people he met.

Eddie had worked as a mechanic, fixing rides for his whole life while he was under depression.

His dream of becoming an engineer was shattered when he was sent to war, coming back with a broken leg, and as a result, he feels that his life is worthless because he had never achieved or accomplished anything. Eddie never had a good relationship with his father. He was neglected by him as a child and on top of that, Eddie's life was made even more complicated when his wife died a few years after they were married.

The first person Eddie met taught him all things are interconnected. "There are no random acts" (p.75) and all things happen for a purpose. When lightning strikes a minute after you are gone or an airplane crashes that you might have been on, it is not simply coincidence. The second person teaches him that "sacrifice is a part of life" (p.150). Even though sacrifice...