"Flying Spirit" by Hal Shook response

Essay by gasman1986University, Bachelor'sA+, September 2007

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When recalling "Flying Spirit" by Hal Shook, two major keys that make up leadership come to my mind. They are character and alignment. These two elements are essential to anyone that wants to become a leader becauseCharacter is the first main point I’d like to talk about from Flying Spirit. All great leaders have great followers. To want to follow someone, you have to have a great deal of trust in them and they must be worthy of your respect. Good character is a distinguishing feature or attribute that a leader must display in order for that leader to command respect. Character is vital because it’s the basis of integrity and citizenship. Integrity is the currency by which people judge you. Because in a business people are always judging you, integrity is the key to success. If you’re the leader/boss in a certain job, you’ll want to surround yourself with people that have good character and integrity so that people will want to do business with you.

One main point that I got out of Flying Spirit is how to be a leader. This obviously is a huge part of the book, but I’d like to summarize it up. One rule that you have to abide by if you’re going to be a leader is that you must care for the other people around you. This is the stepping stone for creating a great organization. If you don’t care about the people around you, they’ll quit on you. Once all the people quit on you, you’ll have no one to lead but yourself. So as you can see, caring is vital. A big part of caring is your character, that is a distinguishing feature or attribute that a leader must display in order for that leader to command respect. The...