Forster's "A Passage to India" The Mystery of Mrs. Moore

Essay by pharaoh_86 December 2007

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"Because India is part of the earth. And God has put us on the earth in order to be pleasant to each other. God… is… love."Mrs. Moore is a twice-widowed matron. She is Ronny's mother, who accompanies Adela to India so that she can decide whether to marry Ronny or not.

Through her genuine affection and kindness, Mrs. Moore serves as the moral center and the symbol of race-blind openness in the novel. She is the only character that succeeds in maintaining good relations with both the English and the Indians and achieving reciprocity between the two cultures. Being an individualist like Fielding and Adela, Mrs. Moore breaks the distrust that Forster initially establishes towards all Englishwomen, through her tenderness towards Aziz, who calls her an 'Oriental,' at the beautiful mosque. She questions the standard behaviors of the English towards the Indians and tries to connect with the Indians at the Bridge Party and at Fielding's afternoon tea.

Her curiosity to see the 'real India' is, unlike that of Adela's, bolstered by a genuine interest in and affection for Indians. Her genuine kindness maintains her place in Aziz's heart and motivates him to behave with more kindness towards both Adela and Ralph even after her death. Thus, Godbole's vision of Mrs. Moore at the Indian ceremony is not quite surprising, for her successful interaction with the Indian culture makes her part of it: "He had, with increasing vividness, again seen Mrs. Moore… He was a Brahman, she Christian, but it made no difference… whether she was a trick of his memory or a telepathic appeal."Yet, as a mother, Mrs. Moore fails to connect with her son, Ronny. Mrs. Moore notes that Ronny has changed and that he was never rude or arrogant in England. Her language, especially when God is...