four functions of management

Essay by djdatnastyUniversity, Bachelor's January 2003

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A manager's role is to lead his/her organization to a clearly stated objective. In doing so he/she must muster all his resources in a concise and organized attempt at achieving those goals. To do this a manager must lead, plan, organize, and control the organization's employees. A manager can be defined in many ways. From the high-ranking Chief Executive Officer or the team leader who is fundamental to the organization. Each manager therefore has different roles throughout these stages. The team leader manager has a more hands-on role in running of the company compared to the CEO, who as well as concentrating on the day to day running of the company must also asses the future layout of the organization,

The four functions of a manager are definitely crucial to the prolonged success of any company. I believe leading is perhaps the most crucial tool of any manager since his/her presence and motivation ability is critical to the achievement of the goals stated in the planning stage.

The global business environment of today is a reference to the ever expanding global marketplace, and how it has opened up thousands of markets for companies, as well as exposing it to many more competitors and pitfalls.


Planning is a vital tool to any manager since it allows him to help prepare for the future, rather than being commanded by it. A comprehensive plan both helps coordinate the actions of all team members, while also serving as a basis for control and feedback. By using a systematic approach to planning, a manager can ascertain the capabilities of his employees and utilize resources to accomplish the most desired outcome.

Using a systematic approach to planning allows a manager to ascertain the capabilities of his work force and utilize resources in order to...