Essay by lilman_17_08Junior High, 8th grade April 2004

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Fractions are ways to represent parts of a whole. Common fractions are ½ and ¾. These are proper or regular fractions. Some fractions are called mixed numbers. These are represented by a whole number with a fraction (proper fraction). 1 ½ and 2 ¾ are good examples. An improper fraction has a larger number on the top than on the bottom, such as 9/8. I will explain how to convert these fractions to decimals. I will show you how to change an improper fraction to a mixed number. Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) will be explained as well.


This section will explain how to convert a fraction into a decimal. First, let's get an example fraction. How about 3/8? To find a decimal, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). So we would divide 3 by 8. 3)8=0.375 or .38. Lets do another.

Try 1/3. 1)3=.33333... So 1/3 is equal to about.33.

Next comes the mixed numbers to the improper fractions . All you do is multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator. This is the numerator of the improper fraction. You keep the same denominator. Let's try 2¾. Four times two is eight. Eight plus three is eleven. Keep the denominator and you have 11/4. Now to convert the improper fraction into a mixed number. You need to remember, keep the same denominator. 9/2=4½. 2 goes into 9 4 times. There is 1 left over. So, it equals 4½.


First, I will explain how to add like fractions, then, unlike fractions. Let's say you have ¾ of a pizza and ¼ of a pizza. How much pizza do you have? When adding fractions, you NEVER add the denominators. Just the...