"Frankenstein": A basic critique/overview.

Essay by fire_101High School, 12th gradeA, February 2006

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The nineteenth centaury novel, "Frankenstein", written by Marry Shelly discusses Victor Frankenstein's creation and how he dealt with the situation at hand. Victor's creation experienced the society that humans live in and therefore began to understand their way of life. As a result, he felt lonely and loathed about his ugly and dreadful appearance. Milton Millhauser, a noted critic, discusses many aspects of the book; in particular he talks about the monsters nature and his interaction with human society. The critic also asserts that the monster is a "natural man," who is by his definition "something approximating to the variation of the general 'child of nature.'" Consequently, the monster is "amalgam of two quite different rates of development: for he is at the same time both child and man, and learns alternatively like each."

Milton Millhauser states that Victor viewed the monster as an actual monster- who is violent and destructive; he however, views the monster as a gentle and kind by nature.

His violent nature has been seen only after he has learned as much as he possible could from the people in the cottage. Millhauser refers to the monster as the "natural man," who: "approaches our society as an outsider, tests it by natural impulses and unsophisticated reason, and responded to it with a mixture of bewilderment and dismay." Through Felix, Agatha, De Lacey and the stranger's discussions, the monster learned how to read, and become human-like. He soon began to take on the traits that humans possess like emotions. He began to feel lonely and as a result wanted a companion who he could affectionately love and who would love him back. He was angry at his creator for the life he has given him and therefore wanted to seek revenge. The only means of...