Freedom of Speech Among Intimates is an Indespensable Condition for Man to Live Free

Essay by Sasha813College, UndergraduateA+, March 2004

download word file, 3 pages 4.6

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"...the private and public are two essentially different worlds and respect for that difference is the indispensable condition..."

These words, taken from Milan Kundera's Testaments Betrayed, are discernibly legitimate. The statements one makes among his intimates are, by nature, more blatant and offensive. In fact, an integral purpose for having close relationships is the freedom one has to speak unofficially. Feedback received during this type of discourse can be vital to the intellectual progression of a human being. Using the conversations a person has in private to publicly discredit him is clearly absurd for two substantial reasons: 1) personal conversations do not always reveal a person's disposition, and 2) the suggestions that are given by his comrades are crucial to the way one views the world.

Everyone falls under a spell of self-doubt once in a while, and during those times ideas are formulated that, when vocally expressed, can disguise the true character of an individual.

Having irrational thoughts when under stress is human nature. When one is discussing a stressful issue with a confidant, he is venting and not typically using complete logic to draw his conclusions. People cannot be forced to rely solely on their own analytical abilities when it comes to matters of importance. A person naturally obtains a one-sided point of view when feeling tense about an issue, and in the company of friends, he tends to spout off whatever comes to mind, however harsh it may sound. For example, when a college student reviews the syllabus for his Biology course and realizes that it is not as easy as he expected it to be, he might question his own abilities in that area of his intellect. His instinctive response is to slur the professor or the class itself among his peers. A congenital...