
Essay by chris azzariCollege, UndergraduateA+, October 1996

download word file, 2 pages 3.9

Azzari 1

Chris Azzari

Prof. Peterson

ENGL 1201 BB

11 October 1996


In life one may come across many people. Some will hate and while others will adore. The ones who hate can be referred to as enemies and theones who show adoration will be called friends. People may say the word friends is to broad. In the opinions of many, there are three types of friends. They are the aquaintinces he/she makes in school, the friends he/she looses as one grows, and bewt friends who may stray, but never too f ar away.

First of all, there are those friends that are only seen in school. Seeing them on the street is like they are not even there. One may have known them throughout their whole school career, but have never talked to them outside of school. These school aqquaintinces are nice people to talk to , but there is never an effort to do anything more than that.

These friends are good because there are never any chances to take with them. One just talks to them and then they go on their merry way. These school aqquaintinces are the peopl who are talked to about different hoobies and class studies. Not ones personal life. School aquaitnices are the people that one will not see for the first time until the schools ten year reunion.

Second, there are former friends. These are the ones taht grew up in ones neighborhood and moved away. These are the friends who will bring back memories that people thoght were forgotten. One might be embarassed at first about seeing their former friend, but as soon as conversation begins all the embarassement will be a thing of the past. Former friends are the ones that little secrets about meaqningless ideas were...