Fulfilling Destiny: A comparison between "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach

Essay by curlygurl710Junior High, 8th gradeA+, October 2007

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Everyone has a destiny. Your Personal Legend, or destiny, is your reason for being alive.

Everyone is entrusted with a something they should do, whether it be becoming a great politicalleader, or finding treasure. But free will gets in the way of fulfilling one’s destiny. That means we can choose whether or not to follow our Personal Legend. Following and not following your Personal Legend can lead your life in two different directions. The main character from Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach, found his life exceedingly meaningless, so when he discovered his Personal Legend, it gave his life meaning. Jonathan tested his limits, destroyed his relationship with the Flock, and became an outcast, just to fly. From The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago followed his Personal Legend, even when it meant crossing an entire desert. He knew he could never be truly happy, living with the fact that hadn’t fulfilled his destiny.

Your Personal Legend is your reason for being alive. Removing your Personal Legend from life removes the purpose in life. Fear stops us from following our Personal Legend. But a person can never be truly happy, until they fulfill their Personal Legend.

In The Alchemist, Santiago is able to overcome his fear, and find true happiness in his life.

While pursuing his Personal Legend, to find a treasure found at the Pyramids, he crossed anentire dessert. When Santiago arrived at the oasis, he met Fatima. Santiago was happy, and wasconsidering abandoning his Personal Legend. He was happy, he thought, why should he bother complicating life for himself to find his treasure? The Alchemist persuaded him to continue his quest for his treasure. He knew that Santiago would live with knowing that he could have had the adventure and it was his destiny and he...