full explanation of plant propagation methods

Essay by SmigrethHigh School, 10th gradeA, September 2013

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Sexual reproduction in plants uses seeds and spores. And consists of the fusion of male and female gametes to produce and offspring which is not genetically identical to the parent.

Asexual reproduction is from budding off the parent to produce offspring genetically identical to the parent

Methods of Vegetative Propagation:


Cuttings should be taken from tip pieces that are at least 10 cm long in the cooler periods of the day (morning /evening), with at least 2 sets of leaves. Remove bottom leaves and cut just below the node (the spot where the bottom leaf or leaves were attached to the stem).

Place cutting into a pot full of soil or other suitable medium and water so the soil is moist but not wet and waterlogged.

Most species require humid, warm, partially shaded conditions to thrive. This can usually be achieved by covering the cutting with a plastic bag to retain moisture and putting the cutting into a bright shaded spot.

Hardwood plants such as grapes and roses, should be cut in winter and early spring, soft wood in late spring and early summer and semi ripe plants from late summer and early winter


Grafting is a propagation technique where tissues from one plant are joined with that of another. This technique is commonly used to produce asexual plants that are identical to the parent. The plant that is used for its roots is called the rootstock and the other section that is used for the foliage, flowers and fruits is called the scion. This method of propagation is used for the peach tree on the JRAHS farm.