Functions of Public Relations: PR fuctions and roles within to major global companies Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us.

Essay by jah_rule24 July 2005

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Functions of PR: Wal-Mart and Toys"R"Us

Public Relations is a vital part of a comprehensive marketing program. Every company, whether large or small, should have a PR group in place for unanticipated moments. PR should also be used on a regular basis and partnered with other marketing and advertising essentials. Great Public Relations can add power to the overall company image. When major magazines write about a particular company, this provides a different type of credibility and stature that can improve and clarify an audiences' perceptions of that company. A single mention in the media can often be worth more than many ad placements in newspapers or on television and the best thing, it doesn't cost a thing.

Public Relations is an essential part of a company. It wasn't long ago, when PR was not even part of an organization. Nowadays, just about every major organization has a department dedicated just to PR.

In order to have effective public relations in an organization, companies must consider many factors. According to the Brigham Scully Website, program development is a great technique for effective public relations. They state, "A written plan of action defines your objectives as a client, your communications needs and appropriate strategies and activities. The plan also includes a schedule for realizing objectives and a recommended budget. Evaluation of program effectiveness is ongoing." In addition, the website states that media relations have developed over the years. Keeping regular contact with the media enhances a company's awareness. A company must also consider preparation for all major interviews so that they can be prepared for all types of questions that may be unexpected, especially for those that are important to the company or are considered crucial. In addition, the Brigham Scully Website, states that crises management is one of the...