Generic Benchmarking

Essay by didieve November 2006

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Generic Benchmarking Worksheet

Task A: Problem/Opportunity Statement

Instructions for Task A: In the Response row, write out the problem/opportunity statements for the scenario for each of the team members.

Response to Task A: Global Communications will become the World's most respected leader in the telecommunications industry by providing extraordinary customer service globally and the best high-tech products and services. Global Communications will become a world leader in the telecommunications industry by offering new products to customers and by cutting costs through organizational restructuring.Global Communications will become a profitable worldwide presence in the telecommunications industry by repairing its relationship with the Union, thereby boosting employee productivity and morale.Global Communications must increase the profitability of the company and stay ahead of the competition while maintaining employee morale, protect the company's reputation, and continue the relationship with the Union.

Generic Benchmarking--The purpose of generic benchmarking is to identify potential solutions to the problem statements defined in Task A.

You will do this by looking at how companies in other industries have dealt with similar issues.

Task B1: Generic Benchmarking: Topics

Instructions for Task B1: In the Response row, identify the topics for which you need information in order to identify potential solutions to the problems identified in Task A.

1 In the Response row, list three to five topics that you will research in peer-reviewed journals, on Web sites, and in popular publications such as magazines and newspapers.

2 In the Response row, provide a justification for each topic.

Response to Task B1: Topic: OutsourcingAccording to Wikipedia, Outsourcing is defined as the "the process of transferring an existing business function, including the relevant physical and/or human assets, to an external provider in order to strategically use outside resources to perform activities previously handled in-house."(2006). Outsourcing takes place when an...