Genetically modified foods helpful or harmful?

Essay by bevy1996High School, 12th gradeA-, June 2014

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Genetically modified foods helpful or harmful?

Genetically Modified Organisms are one of the most controversial issues facing our world today. GMOs are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering for improvement of productivity and product quality. GMOs have raised concerns over whether or not there beneficial or harmful to our health. It is not secret that GMO foods have had a dramatic impact on the world and humans deserve to know how they are not all that they appear to be. GMOs pose a serious threat to our health, lead to serious destruction of the environment and have contaminated organic crops. On the other hand they are resistant to disease, help humans suffering from famine, produce greater yields, and improve the nutrition of foods. In my personal opinion they are more detrimental then helpful however they are not completely useless.

Mankind doesn't know the long term affects GMOs could produce by injecting a gene from another species. Why would a person risk food security opposed to eating organic foods which have been proven healthy throughout history. In despite of the dangerousness, the foods have still been on our table without verification. No one can guarantee how GMOs' side effects will affect us long-term and proving their safety is beyond the capabilities of current technology. Supporters of genetic engineering argue that the application of biotechnology to improve the nutritional contents of various foods will help people who suffer many deficiency diseases. They also claim that GM foods can yields medical benefit by injecting a particular gene or vaccine directly into the product. However, GMOs are only a temporary measure, not the fundamental solution for nutritional improvement of foods and medical benefits. Their own disadvantages far outweigh their own advantages.