Ghosts Of Mississippi

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Ghost of Mississippi The movie Ghost of Mississippi is a true story that brings together racial and judicial issues that come together to make a very compelling story. In the late 1950's, there was a small war in the south over integration of the whites and blacks, and during the battle a black rights speaker named Medgar Evers was the victim of a hate crime. The man who gunned down Evers outside of his house was Byram De La Beckwith who went to court twice for the shooting, and twice all white juries were unable to reach a verdict. Then in the late 1980's the case was re-opened by a lawyer, Bobby DeLaughter and Evan's wife who were able to find enough evidence and witnesses to convict De La Beckwith so he would spend the rest of his life in prison. This movie proves that no man, white or black, is above the law.

The case had been closed for over 20 years, and with the persistence of a few people the case was once again open, and in the spotlight of the south. Bobby DeLaughter's main motivation to pursue the case was because he was nearly the same age as Evers when we has shot and also had wife, and 3 small children just as Evers did. So he was blinded to black and white, and saw only that a man, very much like himself was gunned down, and he knew that it was a travesty if the case was not brought to justice.

It was so important to people of all races that the case was brought to justice because it showed that blacks and whites were becoming equal, and there would be justice if hate crimes were committed. Byram De La Beckwith thought for his whole life that he was above the law just because he was a white man, and that as long as his crimes were against blacks that he could get away with whatever he wanted, but through the perseverance of two people, of different races, he was finally brought to justice.