Globalization's Unethical Practices

Essay by znyerielUniversity, Bachelor'sB-, June 2010

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�PAGE � �PAGE �11� Globalisation and local culture

Running Head: Globalisation takes no account of local culture therefore unethical

Globalisation takes no account of local culture therefore unethical

[Name of the student]

[Name of the institute]


Table of contents

3Introduction �

4Human rights, globalisation and concept of local culture an example �

5Global morality and concept of local culture �

7Case study: Shell in Nigeria �

8Reccomandation for the case study �

9The Cultural Limits of International Human Rights �

10The dilemma of culture with globalisation �

11Communities and local culture a myth �

12Conclusion �

14References �


Globalisation takes no account of local culture therefore unethical


Contemporary manifestations of globalisation are observable in a variety of contexts social, political, economic, technological, corporate, demographic, and cultural those are not neatly separable. (Fukuyama 2006) Indeed, it is in the nature of globalisation that these spheres are becoming more closely intertwined as are the human communities that give them meaning and substance.

(Jessop 2002) Commentators have noted both positive and negative aspects of globalisation. On the one hand, the phenomenon seems to hold promise for the further development and intensification of global norms, especially in terms of human rights standards. On the other hand, analyses of certain manifestations of globalisation have highlighted a number of negative social effects linked to structural adjustment, migration, criminal activities, and ethnic conflict. (Castells 1996)

The enmeshment of human communities and their spheres of activity in global dynamics is important trend. At the same time, localization and/or fragmentation is also a significant phenomenon. But such tendencies are not necessarily contradictory to at least some aspects of globalisation. It has been suggested, for example, that processes leading to the strengthening of local and regional identities may in fact contribute to a cosmopolitan global culture.