"God's existence, or His lack of it" - Saaim Khan

Essay by saaimkhanCollege, UndergraduateB+, March 2004

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"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him"


It is said that man is a being, who requires an entity above him. I'd like to state, in my view, that man is an insecure animal. He requires something to believe in, a sort of wall to lean on. This is the same line of argument that most atheists use to argue their belief that God is a creation of man. However, if one were to look with religion in tow, the conclusion that this aspect of the human subconscious is present would mean that it is a characteristic that has been instilled by the God Himself.

"If there is no faith there would be no living in this world. We couldn't even eat hash with any safety"

Josh Billings.

Logically speaking, it is the quite obvious conclusion that any God-believing person would come to after being subjected to this thought.

It is quite clear in my mind that the psyche of man is highly dependant on God, and that without God man would be quite lost. Finding direction, would, as the cliché goes, require "a higher calling". A higher calling in this case would be God. Yet, if we were to believe that God does not exist, than an explanation for this particular attribute of man's consciousness would require a fuller explanation.

"A great perhaps"

François Rabelais

Where does man lie in the chain of events that lead to the present day? If we look back in time, we have seen that many of the wickedest men have been clergymen and men of religion. George Bernard Shaw once said that there is one religion and a hundred different version of it. If there is any truth in this, then we must also assume that each...