Gough Whitlam Dismissal

Essay by spurniciousHigh School, 10th gradeA+, May 2006

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Gough Whitlam was dismissed as a result of the many drastic changes his government had implimented shortly after his election. Though the immediate withdrawal of troops from Vietnam was greatly supported, Whitlam's great benefits for women, the elderly, single mothers and Aborigines was seen as a threat to the previous Australian way of life. The changes went against everything the Liberal government, of the previous twenty-three years had sought to protect- the private sector. Increased personal rights for the people and previously down-trodden minorities severely unsettled the Liberal Party, and upset the Liberal Senators, who began to make the Whitlam government's term incredibly difficult by blocking the Whitlam government's budget bills, denying the government money to run, forcing an election at a time that the government was weak.

Gough Whitlam made a dedicated start to his career as Prime Minister, during which he and his fellow leader Lance Barnard worked devotedly for the two weeks in 1972 following their election before the entire ministry took its office.

Their initial popularity comforted the government and served to strengthen its views on revolution.

As Australia's economy and international relations, particularly the decline in Australian- American relations, began to draw doubts, the Liberally dominated Senate began to refuse the passing of Bills, allowing progressively less and less progress to be made. Over the issue of Supply ceasement being threatened, Whitlam requested that a double dissolution be held in May 1974, which Whitlam easily won. The Senate continued to cause problems for the Government, causing the only Joint Sitting of the Parliament in 1974. The Senate's objections were a result of the government's rather drastic idea to cut tariffs by twenty-fve percent and inflate the currency to provide money and employment for the general public, against the wishes of the Senate.

Eventually, due...