Great Gatsby

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Symbolism in the Great Gatsby Symbolism is what makes a story complete. Fitzgerald clearly uses symbolism.

Almost anything in the novel can be taken as a symbol, from the weather, to the colors of clothing the characters wear (Samuels 80). There are four main symbols used in the novel, they are The East and West Egg, the green light at the end of Daisy's dock, the valley of ashes, and the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.

One of the most important symbols in the novel is class and social standing. East and West Egg act as a symbol of this by its physical makeup. Tom and Daisy live on the East which is far more refined and consists of people with more money and a higher social status (Samuels 80). East Egg also represents the "old money." Nick and Gatsby are on the West, which is for people who are of not much importance, even if they have money.

The West Egg represents the "new money" (Bloom 19). The green light shines from the East Egg to the West Egg luring Gatsby towards what he has always wanted.

Daisy, the woman that Gatsby has always wanted but never gets, lives on East Egg.

There is also a boundary of water between the two cities that keeps people like Daisy and Gatsby apart from one another and keeps them from reaching their goals and what they want in life. (Bloom 34).

Another symbol used in the novel was colors. The first was the green light. The light was only a light, however to Gatsby it becomes his dream for the future. The light symbolizes hopes and dreams. The dream is Daisy. Gatsby buys the house across the bay so he can see the Buchanan's light. Later in the story when...