Greece and all about thier life styles.

Essay by ximwackxJunior High, 9th gradeA+, April 2003

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The ancient Greeks gave many contributions to the western civilization. They gave the Pythagorean Theory, Hippocratic Oath, limited democracy and more. Today those contributions benefit us.

Pythagoras gave the Pythagorean Theory to us. He made a formula (a2+b2=c2); this formula is used to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Euclid was a Greek mathematician and is often called the father of geometry. He put together, scientifically arranged, and wrote portions of the mathematics textbook Elements. Very little is known about Euclid's life. The place and date of his birth are uncertain, though it is known that he taught mathematics at the Museum, an institute in Alexandria, Egypt

With the help of math and observation skills, the astronomer Aristarchus argued that the Earth rotated on its axis and orbited around the sun. This theory was not accepted until almost 2,000 years later. Another astronomer, Eratosthenes, showed that the Earth was round and calculated the circumference.

Archimedes, the most famous Hellenistic scientist, made practical objects using the principles of physics. He mastered the use of the lever and pully used today in everyday life. People watched in amaze as one of his inventions drew a ship onto shore.

The Hippocratic oath is a promise made by doctors allowing them to swear to "help the sick according to my ability and judgment but never with a view to injury and wrong", and to protect privacy of patients. A Greek physician, Hippocrates, created this oath. He studied the cause of illnesses and found the cures. His oath set ethical standards for doctors. He lived from 460 B.C. to about 377 B.C.

We have to obey our laws. Our government keeps us safe. Our government is Democracy, a government by the people. Pericles preferred democracy to any other type of...