Handmaid's Tale

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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A friend named Hope Modern society has learnt to share and help one another in their difficulties, making lives easier, more plentiful and in a few words more enjoyable. It is known that every creature's life holds meaning to itself. Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale portrays a story of love, power, subversion and hope. Our lives today are taken for granted, and little things that we are given are deemed as unimportant. Hence the term - we do not always know what we have till it's lost. The people of Gilead are raised in a society where feelings have to be kept to oneself.

There are many different types of love. Love can be affection for a person or a fondness for an object. A person can love their money or freedom as well as love their family and friends. The significance of love is that it gives meaning to a person's life and encourages them to better themselves.

Offred, the main character in The Handmaid's Tale, has everything she loves taken away from her all at once. Offred loves her daughter and can't bear being away from her: " One day when she was eleven months old, just before she began to walk, a woman stole her out of a supermarket cart… …I screamed, and the woman was stopped." (Pg 64, The Handmaid's Tale) Offred remembers when her daughter was taken away from her for a short moment and how scared and angry she got. In the society of Gilead, love is, in most parts, outlawed. The people aren't given the freedom to make their decisions. They are given jobs and are expected to fulfill them without questions.

Another instance of love is the relationship between Offred and Nick, the chauffer. Their relationship that began possibly stemming from...