'He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.' (Benjamin Franklin)

Essay by sunray-in-the-shadeHigh School, 10th grade June 2004

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To borrow means 'to take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and return it to them at a later time.'But is this as clear as it's presented in the dictionary? Does this action lead to unpleasurable consequences?

Borrowing is a doomed cause. It ends with its beginning, like a closed circle and never lets you go away. It grabs you with its tentacles, until it completely tears you to pieces, like a fierce beast, and then leaves you to the vultures and jackals.

People borrow things, and money especially, when they are in need. But this need is caused in most of the cases by person's laziness and foolishness. If the individual is ambitious and clever enough, he will never sink in the mud puddle of need. If he is smart enough to limit himself and determine his needs to his abilities. Even if you borrow with a good will in mind, an idea, what guarantees that you will be able to return what had been lent to you? Then you will have to borrow again, and again, and...except

if you take your life in your hands and manage with the situation by yourself, doing what is necessary. But now appears the question - if you are able to earn and do things without any help, why did you have to borrow before? The answer is simple - people don't like to work, don't like to give any of their energy, and because of this laziness, they pay it double after definite time. It is the same with the homework I was 'too tired' to write...and on the other day I had to write it ten times plus the homework given for the new day. Borrowing makes our lives unfortunate, but we are the one who borrow, so...