When Hedda Gabler was first produced, some audiences were shocked.

Essay by akk713 September 2003

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In "Hedda Gabler" by Henrik Ibsen, there are many themes and issues that cause the sock of the audiences, some of these themes are related to a very universal context. It was produced about 100 years ago, yet it also has issues that even modern audiences nowadays will be concerned of.

The play has unusual change of atmosphere when a character enters. It starts off with a peaceful beginning, George and his auntie are greeting each other after George comes back from honeymoon, but when Hedda enters she deliberately destroys the atmosphere, not respecting George's aunt by criticizing her new hat. George seems to be a nice and friendly man who has six months of honeymoon, audiences will assume that Hedda is an ideal wife. Love and peace is reflected between George and his auntie, but Hedda totally challenges the audiences' assumption and she turns out to be nasty, which shock the audiences.

The hidden but complex relationship between characters is also interesting to the audiences. Judge Brack has polite manners and their discussion is mainly about serious business when George is present, for example about George's job and Eilert Lovborg. When George is not present, they have very a very private conversation about very personal matters. Hedda expresses to Brack her boredom of George and she is showing her true feelings, on the other hand Brack also reveals his viewpoint on marriage, that he wants to be "of service" of a trusted friend's wife, to the audience this is implying he has interested in Hedda, The contrast of their conversation shows the complex triangle relationship between George, Hedda and Brack in the audiences' mind. I feel astonished of their over familiar relationship, but it also arises my interest of knowing what is going to happen next.

Apart from dialogues,