The Hills Like White Elephants

Essay by jwar0709College, UndergraduateA, November 2014

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James Warren, III. Warren 1

College Writing II

Dr. Hobbs


1:40-2:55 p.m.

The Hills Like White Elephants

" Life will throw challenges your way, only your choices can determine whether you succeed or fail". ( James Warren, III.)

In this story we find that this is the case between two individuals and American man and woman. The story takes place in the valley of Ebros next to large white hills that resemble white elephants. In this field we find that the couple has taken shelter at a train stations bar where they begin to order a variety of drinks as the wait for their train. Throughout this story we learn that our characters are faced with a dilemma an underlying issue which the couple is faced with, the issue of abortion.

The white hills resemble large white elephants are symbolic of the abortion issue considering we find it rare to see a white elephant and it's rare to find a woman so open about this sort of issue.

We also find that this issue is like the saying "an elephant in the room" considering no one wants to directly speak on the issue, so there is a double symbolism going on. We also find in the story that the man is leaning more towards the abortion because he feels like the child would be a burden holding them back


in life. This is where the mans true intentions can be called to the forefront because his actions fail to match his words. He keeps assuring her that he doesn't want her to do what she doesn't want to. It can be seen here that the male character is sneaky and manipulative in the respect that he is speaking with charm to persuade her to choose abortion but he...