History: Southern American History: The Roswell Mystery. What do you think is the truth?

Essay by cowcowieJunior High, 8th grade March 2006

download word file, 4 pages 4.3 2 reviews

In 1947 July, something crashed into the desert near the Air Force base at Roswell, New Mexico. The U.S. Air force insisted that it was a weather balloon. However, some people said that the weather balloon was only a cover up, it was actually an UFO. The theory of the UFO is more convincing comparing to the other, and below are some explanation for why the UFO theory is more reliable.

The first theory explained that the incident of the flying object was army equipment that was used as a spy. This was supported by the second official press about the accident, released by General Roger Ramey, commander of Forth Worth Army Air Field, said on July 8th, 1947, "...The object which crashed in the desert was a helium filled weather balloon, carrying a radar target made of aluminium foil..."(Stenner, 2000, P.3). Another official press released by the U.S. Air force in October 1986 also said, "...the

truth about the Roswell incident can now be told. The object found in the desert was a crashed balloon, carrying top secret equipment to spy on the Russians..." (Stenner, 2000, P.3). Therefore, some people had come to believe in the theory that the flying object was a weather balloon. Alternately, there's a second theory about the UFO. It's supported by the first official press after the incident, released on July 8, 1947, "The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Air Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer. According to information released by the department, over authority of Maj. J. A. Marcel, intelligence officer, the disk was recovered on a ranch in the Roswell vicinity, after an unidentified rancher had notified Sheriff Geo. Wilcox here, that he had found the instrument...