The Hitler Youth and Boy scouts - an investigation of the differences and similarities, and their origin

Essay by e_scoutHigh School, 12th gradeB, March 2005

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The Hitler Youth and Boy scouts

- an investigation of the differences and similarities,

and their origin


In 1939 Hitler said "Look at these young men and boys! What material! With them I can make a new world!" This gives an idea of what Hitler thought of the youth and what an important role the youth played in his politics. Hitler had wisely observed that the youth is the key to the future. Since they are so important, the youth organizations also become an important part of understanding a society. The Hitler youth has been condemned by most of the public as an awful tool of brain washing, which turned the youth into an anti-semis tic crowed. It has also been suggested that the Hitler youth was mostly an extension of the army. However, other youth organizations which were founded and practiced during the early 20th century, such as the much praised Boy scouts, contained features very similar to those in the Hitler youth.

The issue of militaristic training and similarities between the two organizations is relevant and interesting, since it gives an idea of the values and ideals surrounding youth, and perhaps even more so surrounding society. It is also of intresst when taking into account the politics considering youth which seem to have existed in the early 20th century compared to the one of today. In my investigation I have chosen to focus on the features: history, ideology, organization and activities of the organizations Hitler youth and Boy scouts in order to answer the question; To what extent is it true to say that the organization of the Hitler youth was also present in the Boy scouts, and that the militaristic features are more likely to have been a product of the time, then the creation of...