Hitlers Impact On Germany

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2002

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Hitler became the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazis for short, in 1921. He had a great talent in speeches that won votes to become the Fuhrer of Germany. This essay looks at Hitler's ideological beliefs, which had great impact in Germany. From looking at sources from Mein Kampf, the 25 point plan and eye whiteness accounts, his ideological beliefs can be put into four main policies. The policies are foreign, economic, politics and social.

Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles and St Germain. He thought it was unfair that the German Empire was taken away so that Germany and Poland were never allowed to unite again. He thought that to make a greater German Nation there should be a union of all Germans. Many Germans lived in Poland so he wanted the Treaties abolished. Hitler wanted the reparations Germany had to pay to Britain, France and USA abolished as well.

The military was taken away by the treaties so Hitler wanted to re-arm as quickly as possible.

Hitler wanted to abolish the loans that Germany had to pay to USA. He wanted profit sharing between industries, jobs to be created, nationatisation and unearned incomes to be abolished so there will not be as much freeloading in Germany. Generally he wanted to improve the infrastructure around Germany.

Hitler thought debate and democratic discussion produced weakness and that strength lay in total loyalty to the Fuhrer. The Fuhrer should be a strong leader with a strong central government. A one party state would ensure absolute loyalty. This means communists and socialists must be silenced.

Hitler wanted a pure master race consisting of Aryans. All other races, expesally Jews, were inferior. He blamed the Jews for Germany losing the war. No Jews should be members of the German...