Huck Finn: To be or not to be? Is the book racist and should it be thought in schools?

Essay by China-buffetHigh School, 11th gradeA+, December 2006

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In Huckleberry Finn there are many words that could certainly offend many people, especially African Americans, however it is only used to make the book more real. It would be impossible to write a book about slavery without the use of some offending words, and even if someone could manage that, it would make the story artificial. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a book about freedom , friendship , growing up and especially the life on the South, and it is most certainly not a racist book.

The word "nigger" is used so often in the book , that it doesn't just appear in every chapter but also on almost every page. Does that mean that this book is racist? Without reading the rest of the text, the answer would be yes, but at the end of the book the doctor makes a speech about Jim in front of an enraged mob who caught him and after complimenting him ends the speech with "He ain't no bad nigger, gentlemen; that's what I think about him."(314).

Twain merely mentioned slavery and the racism that was common for that period, and concentrated more on the friendship of two people who had the same goal: to become free. Elizabeth Haley ,who has analyzed Huckleberry Finn and its effect on society once said: "Mr. Twain, himself, would greatly appreciate the irony in the fact that the novel he wrote to condemn racism is one century later condemned as racist trash"(Haley 121) By this she means that Twain intended to write a book against slavery and a century later it is viewed as a racist book. The book has been criticized by many , not only as a racist book but also as a book with bad language and incorrect grammar.

From the beginning...