Human beings can only live in peace if they live in a state

Essay by oykumUniversity, Bachelor'sA, January 2004

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People who share a common territory try to shape self-sufficient political organizations in order to regulate their lives and serve their necessities in an organized way. In this essay, I will try to illustrate why I believe modern societies need such political organizations to live in peace. In other words, firstly I will focus on the concept of peace and how peace means to me. Secondly I will focus on the state of nature where state doesn't exist in order to indicate the circumstances under living in the state of nature. Then I will focus on the concept of state and try to make a comparison between them in order to illustrate why human beings cannot live in peace if they live in state of nature but live in peace if they live in a state.

The first point that I want to focus on is the concept of peace. I will try to illustrate what peace means to me in order to make it easy to consider how peaceful is the life in the state of nature where state doesn't exist and how peaceful it is in a state. While peace can be simply explained as the absence of war, it is more than the absence of war for me. Besides the absence of war, peace means to general welfare of the society in which social life is well-regulated and there is no conflict or chaos to prevent the peace among the members of society.

After describing my own understanding of peace, I will focus on the state of nature, the conditions of life in the state of nature and how peaceful it is or not from my perspective of peace. The state of nature...