Human Eye Vs. Camera Lens

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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People say your eyes are the window to the world, and interestingly enough, a camera can capture these moments for eternity. A human eye allows you to see objects from a first hand view. A camera takes a picture so that the sight can be seen over and over again. Although both capture moments, they have many differences along with their similarities.

Both the human eye and the camera, made of similar parts, such as a lens, work in different manners. Just as the human eye has a pupil that allows vision, a camera lens has a shutter. The pupil and the shutter both dilate in order to allow in light. The darker the room, the wider the shutter and the pupil must enlarge to brighten the photograph. A lens cover on a camera protects the camera from dust and scratches to the lens. An eyelid protects the eye from cornea scratches due to particles entering the eye.

Both the lens cover and an eyelid have the ability to open and close.

A camera requiring batteries, and an eye that doesn't demand batteries, function to withhold memories. The methods in which memories are kept between the two vary. When an eye focuses on an object, it's seen through the eye right at that moment. For example, when you stare into the sky at night, you are looking at the actual stars and moon. A camera has no vision. Objects seen through a camera lens are seen through the human eye. Without the eye, a camera would be of no use. A camera captures the object to be seen again. A picture of the night sky would allow you to see it over again and again as a second hand view. It is not looking at the actual sky.
