Hungarian crisis of 1956

Essay by parkekl July 2007

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Hungary's withdrawal from the Warsaw pact, proclaimed neutrality in the Cold War, command for the removal of Soviet troops and the demand for the creation of a non-communist political party resulted in the killings of over 30 000 Hungarian citizens and saw over 200 000 flee to the west of the now strongly established iron curtain. The death of Stalin in 1953 did not weaken the grip Moscow had on the people of Eastern Europe and Hungary, rather ruled over with a rod of iron by communist Russia and anybody who challenged the rule of Stalin and Russia paid the price. Khruschev's desalinization process has served to destabilize the soviet bloc satellites and as a result he struggled to maintain control. Hungary in 1956 seemed to sum up all that the cold war stood for and in essence represented the power and influence the Soviet war possessed in regards to post-war Europe.

It also showed the extent the Soviets were willing to go in order to make the communist system of government dominant in Europe and essentially the rest of the World.

From 1945 onwards the Hungarians were put under the control of the Soviet Union where the Soviet military occupied Hungary and gradually replaced the freely elected government with the Hungarian communist party. All wealth of whatever nature was taken from Hungary by the Russians. The Hungarian leader, Rakosi, was put in power by Stalin of Russia. Radical nationalization of the economy based on the Soviet model produced economic stagnation, lower standards of living and developed a deep anti-soviet feeling. The Rakosi government thoroughly politicized Hungary's educational system in order to supplant the educated classes with a "toiling intelligentsia". Russian language study and Communist political instruction were made compulsory in schools and universities nationwide. Religious schools were nationalized and...