Iago and his Manipulations

Essay by lady_esquireA, March 2005

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Iago's character is pure evil, a cold-hearted villian capable of manipulating anyone to get what he wants. Iago's crimes define pathological jealousy and a sheer desire for revenge. Even though he is referred to as "Honest Iago", he lies, cheats,steals, and murders to gain a position he feels he justly deserves. He is best described as disturbing, ruthless, and amoral. His hate, lies and manipulations of Othello, Cassio, Roderigo, Desdemona and Emelia are present at the beginning of the play. Iago says of himself, "I am not what I am".

Iago breeds amorality and cynicism into a character, who otherwise would live a very dull life. He is a 28 years old soldier under Othello's command. With many victories behind him, he has just been denied the position of Lieutenant, by Othello. The following is how the man without a conscience, destroyed innocent victims in his plot to regain what he thought was his rightful place next to Othello.


Othello is a man about 45 years old, who comes from a rich, black heritage, and is also the General of Venice. He appoints Michael Cassio as his Lieutenant, a position Iago has been hoping for. This appointment enrages Iago, and it is then that the plot Iago devised to exact revenge on Othello, begins to evolve. Knowing that Othell and Desdemona have just been married, Iago goes to Barbantio (Desdemona's father), and informs him of the marriage. Iago never uses Othello's name, but refers to him as "an old black ram, tupping your white ewe". Iago makes racial refernces to Othello's black skin, such as "the devil". He identifies Othello with remarks such as "the barbary horse", and refers to Othello and Desdemona's love making as "making the beast with two backs". Iago's hatred is worsened by the...