Illegal Immigration in the United States

Essay by ShanrachelleUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2006

download word file, 6 pages 4.4

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Post 9/11 life has once again driven immigration, legal and illegal, to the fore-front of many discussions and legislation in the United States. Militias have formed in the deserts of Arizona while public rallies have sprung up in opposition in California and elsewhere. Not since President Clinton signed sweeping immigration reforms in 1996 has the subject been so electrified. One can see why the subject is debated so intensely, after all this is a country of immigrants. Many claim that immigrants take jobs Americans will not, which leads to the question; why all the fuss? Others claim they take our jobs which seems contradictory to the previous statement. So which is it, or is it both? There is evidence that suggests that second generation Americans become burdens, or at least less enthusiastic, after being exposed to our social and economic schemes. Some immigrants have found a solution through non-conformity; essentially maintaining their culture (Gewertz, 2000).

Can our economy survive without the influx of immigrants with an aging "baby boomer" generation on the brink of retirement? Certainly the United States must maintain flexibility in its response to the problem. Clearly those on each side of the issue seem to have an unchangeable stance.


There are more than 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, and more arrive each day - putting a strain on health, and education services, but also filling low-wage jobs in key sectors of the United States economy. (Author Unknown, 2006) When most people think about illegal immigrants, and how they got here, they think immigrants are being smuggled in or crossing the border illegally. Many people do not take into consideration the other ways immigrants can come into the United States. Nearly half of the immigrants in the United States are here on expired...