Illegal Music Downloads

Essay by sgtacevedoUniversity, Bachelor'sA, April 2008

download word file, 5 pages 5.0

Outline:1. Legality to the Companies who provide free downloading service:a. Are companies like Lime Wire conducting illegal practices?b. What are those Companies Position in terms of illegal downloading?c. How do they obtain their music?2. Legality to those Individuals downloading files:a. Does downloading music from companies like LimeWire consider illegal?b. What people should expect if they get caught?c. How can people get caught?3. How this affects the artist and the Production Company?a. What type of economic impact does downloading illegal music has on production companies?b. What economic impact downloading illegal music has on the Artist?4. How do this practice affect society?a. It this a morality issue?b. What demographics are more prompt to download illegal music?c. What recourse society has to start early education?Is Illegal downloading music off the Internet morally acceptable?No, downloading music files from the Internet without permission of the copyright is illegal and is consider a theft.

Legality to the Companies who provide free downloading service:a.

Are companies like LimeWire conducting illegal practices?According to LimeWire and other companies conducting this type of activities, their actions are completely legal. Their position is base on the "file sharing" premise. They claim that they are not responsible for the file downloaded on to their system. That is why they claim it's legal for them but not be for these individuals whom download music from on to their personal devices.

b. What are those Companies Position in terms of illegal downloading?LimeWire remains in favor with the P2P, (Peer to Peer), community. Collaboration with Frost-Wire has allowed a wide range of forgiveness for any perception on the cooperation with the music industry. LimeWire has been sued many times by the music industry.

c. How do they obtain their music?LimeWire it's a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing software. It allows computer users to connect via...