The Imaginary Escape; The assignment was an analysis on short stories that we read and write 2-3 page essay on it, using third person.

Essay by BrowneyezUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, October 2004

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Many readers create a variety of possibilities with each story they read. The authors like to give readers facts, but not enough for them to draw a final conclusion. The readers can think of many different endings with the story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," with the abrupt ending the Ambrose Bierce gives. Even though it is not stated until the end that Peyton Farquhar dies, Bierce gives several clues that Peyton is imagining his escape the entire time.

The writer provides a brief insight into Peyton's thoughts before he dies. Farquhar is trying to get his mind off his death sentence by observing everything that is going on around him. His mind is focusing on objects around him instead of the rope around his neck. The relaxing sounds of water help ease his mind into an imaginary state. Watching the driftwood float downstream triggers his mind to think of his escape: "I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream.

By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home" (Bierce 930). One can see Peyton's thought process is unclear with him because his hands are tied, so this does not allow him to throw off the noose. Having his thoughts of home and his wife and children fuels his mind even more. Peyton is trying to figure out how he can see them again: "He closed his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children" (Bierce 930). This helps him to forget about the death awaiting him and forces his mind to think fast about escaping. In addition, his well-thought-out plans of being a hero help with his plan of escape. His main plan of being a hero by...