The impact of family violence from an intergenerational perspective & Rational Emotive approach used to assist a client with a history of family violence.

Essay by CARLABUniversity, Bachelor'sF, March 2004

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1.The impact of family violence from an intergenerational


Family violence is an issue that has been around since the beginning of time. Family violence is not biased against culture, gender, or age, and only recently has it has become recognized as a social problem. The woman's movement of the nineteen-seventies helped organize an uprising of shelters to protect battered women and children. An increase of police reports of family violence also heightened public and professional concern. There are many factors, which are said to influence family violence, such as drugs, alcohol, and unemployment. The idea that family violence is passed down from one generation to another has also been a factor. Violence on the part of the abuser was probably rooted in their experience of violence as a child. Generations may not re-create themselves exactly in the same way, but there are still continuities in societies over time.

In every next generation there may be a difference in an individual's geographical movement, social mobility, number of children and differences in life goals, but there is still a discernible relationship between the past and present generation, such as values and ethics concerning family violence. Family violence in one generation often flows over into other generations. Some parents have an excessive dependence on physical punishment, because they do not know any other way to deal with conflicts, and they are already using violence against each other. There is a lack of communication in a family that has abuse, and when they do communicate it is often in a negative manner, Being the victim of violence is often related to being violent oneself, and women who witnessed their father's pushing, grabbing or hitting their mothers are more often victims themselves. A child learns violent behavior growing up in a violent family.