The Impact of Le Pen and the National Front on French Politics

Essay by Anonymous UserUniversity, Master'sA-, March 1996

download word file, 7 pages 4.8

Downloaded 77 times

Over the last fifteen years the Front National in France has risen from being an

obscure and insignificant actor to one of the more visible and most discussed parties in

French politics. The Front, led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, has managed to attract a sizable

proportion of the electorate in nearly every election at every level of government over this

time period. The support the FN has garnered can be attributed to the populist themes it

addresses in its policy platform - law and order, immigration and unemployment. This

essay examines the rapid ascent of Le Pen and his party, and the circumstances that made

the rise feasible. It also analyses the FN's policies and their subsequent effects on French

politics and society. Finally, the Front National's electorate and future in French politics

is investigated.

The Rise of Le Pen and the FN

Jean-Marie Le Pen, who lost his left eye in a political brawl,1 began his political career

long before the conception of the FN.

As a lieutenant to Pierre Poujade, the leader of the

Poujadist movement,2 Le Pen became a member of the National Assembly from 1956 to

1958. During this time he acquired many of the values and ideals on which he later used

to formulate the Front's platform. After his stint in the National Assembly, Le Pen

traveled to then colonized Algeria and saw active duty as a paratrooper officer. The years

leading up to the naming of Le Pen as leader of the FN were comparatively calm to the

years he would spend with the Front.

The Front National's creation in 1972 with Le Pen at the helm, might be described

as anything but auspicious. During the first decade of its existence, it remained at best a

fringe party with a radical and...