Implementing Ethics in Business (APA format)

Essay by desertt5University, Bachelor'sA+, February 2009

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Running head: Implementing EthicsImplementing Ethics in BusinessNameABC UniversityAbstractIt requires more than just producing a quality product or providing good service in today's business world. Conducting business in an ethical manner is almost a requirement to obtaining and keeping loyal customers. A properly implemented code of conduct will enable a company to stand out in the market place. Implementation should consist of explaining the code of conduct as well ensuring there is a complete understanding by all. Once implemented, it should be maintained and periodically reviewed to ensure the code is current.

Implementing Ethics in BusinessIntroductionEthics in today's business has become as important as providing a quality product or delivering quality service. Customers have been changing over the years as to what they feel is important. An old saying that still applies to day is "A customer does not have to like his banker, but he has to trust him" (National Federation, 2003).

This saying punctuates that customers will not continue to do business with a company that does not conduct day to day operations in an ethical manner. Failure of a company to do so can have an exponential downward effect on its business. Word of bad business practices spreads much faster than word of ethical behavior. How important is it to properly implement and maintain an ethics program in your business?"Ethics is a set of standards judging right from wrong" (Gross, 2008). Breaking it down to its most basic level, this means that a business must act fairly and honestly not only as a whole, but each individual must possess and use these standards. This applies on the individual level by each employee using their best discretion such as: billing hourly work, following up with customers in a timely manner, and treating every person with the respect that is...