The Import of China for Recent 10 Years

Essay by cicirabbitUniversity, Master'sB+, May 2010

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ECON910 Xi Song 3348532


The trade development of China has been rapidly expanded in recent two decade, and it has become a centre development in the globe economy. The Chinese economy is much more integrated with the world economy via international trade and investment, especially when China joined the WTO which brought an increasing opportunity to the international trade of China. Indeed, China nowadays is the third largest trading country in the world. Even though when the world economic was in economic recession and depression and crashing in economic crisis, China however still maintain in the sustainable economy growth. To a certain extent, the fast growing export performance of China plays a significantly important role in the advanced of the economic development. For a long time, the prosperous economic environment in China is not only made China a more attractive destination to foreign investors, but also provides the great opportunity to China enable to secure its physical infrastructure in modem context.

The most significant advantages from this circumstance will lead to the productivity increasing dramatically in China's industry and will result in the positive effect to China export value quotas. In addition, understanding the performance of China's export will be specifically helpful to measure the future influence of China's benefit from joining WTO and its transformation of economic composition, such as result of reflecting the trend of export value quotas, that such as external demand declined, exporters should reduce the price of the goods or its complementary goods, otherwise consider to increase the substitutes price. Moreover, if export prices declined, exporters had to export large volumes in order to achieve the value target. In this essay, in order to illustrate and interpret the reason of above scenario, the export tend analysis in recent 10 years is necessary, and also...