Importance of indoor activities in physical education.

Essay by Alchemist123 May 2004

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I believe that the school should have a one-year physical education course in our school for all the students because it can be beneficial. Having a physical education course can help the student maintain in shape and strength. Some indoor activities for the students that I think they should do is jogging, running, cycling, dancing, swimming, climbing stairs, stretching, sit-ups, push-ups, leg lifts, squats, weight lifting.

Jogging, running, cycling, dancing, climbing stairs and swimming is all part of aerobic activities, which are exercises that work your heart and lungs and improve your ability to take in oxygen. Certain activity make you breathe faster and make your heart beat faster. These activities enable you to take in more air and therefore oxygen, which is supplied to the muscles. These activities make the heart more efficient. Aerobic exercise uses oxygen to keep large muscle groups moving continuously at an intensity that can be maintained for at least 20 minutes.

Aerobic exercise uses several major muscle groups throughout the body, resulting in greater demands on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the working muscles.

Stretching exercises consists of neck roll, should roll, wrist roll, toe-touch stretch, should pull, etc. stretching has many advantages such as reducing muscle tension and making the whole body feel supple. Other advantages are that it increases range of movements in the joints; prevents injuries; helps to prepare for the desired activity like running, swimming, cycling, etc.; increases the temperature of the muscles, which optimizes their performance; increases the circulation of the blood to various parts of the body; and enhances muscular co-ordination.

During anaerobic metabolism, the breakdown of glucose stops at an early point, producing lactic acid and two molecules of ATP. This anaerobic metabolism produces a so-called oxygen debt, which is repaid later when...