
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Strategies for Challenging Behaviors This article is part of a series regarding Inclusion...Yours, Mine, Ours. Materials in this article were compiled by Marie Rush, Rush and some of the material was adapted with permission from Dr. Phillip Strain, the Teaching Research Division, Western Oregon University.

The article begins with "Six Adult Behaviors That Will Help Challenging Behaviors of Children". They are: (1.) State expectations early - in other words, let the children know what is expected. (2.) Catch the child being good - praise them when they are using appropriate behaviors. (3.) Use specific praise - always let them know what behavior they are being praised for i.e.. "Good job staying on task, Johnny". (4.) Describe the alternative - tell them what the inappropriate behavior is and what you would like them to do instead i.e.. "Pat, just now I saw you hitting Mary.

The appropriate thing to do would be to tell her you are sorry and not to hit anymore."

(5.) Present limited reasonable choices - let the child make choices and accept consequences. (6.) Wait for neutral time - wait until things are settled down to go over the things that went wrong for the day.

The following quote by Thomas Jefferson was also part of the article. I thought it made alot of sense: "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." - Thomas Jefferson Dr. Phillip Strain offers Keys to Understanding and Encouraging Behavior tips: (1.) Any behavior that persists is working for the individual involved. I agree with this, if a child is getting negative attention, he is probably getting exactly what he wants. (2.) A single event is of little consequence, but the repeated pattern of behavior is. (3.) Starting point for dealing...