This is an informative paper on cloning including the pros, cons, and history of it

Essay by rackelHigh School, 12th grade February 2005

download word file, 3 pages 4.5 1 reviews

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Did you ever wish that you had a clone of yourself to help you get things done?

Well it is not an idea as far fetched as one might think. Scientists have been working on

this theory for over a hundred years. Believe it or not human clones are among us today,

an identical twin is considered to be a natural clone. Cloning is the creation of an

organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. Even though cloning sounds like the

perfect solution to some of life's hardest problems it is heavily debated on in today's

society. Mainly between those who would argue that the techniclogical advances

outweigh the social consequences and vise versa.

There are three differenets types of cloning procedures. The first kind is

recombinant DNA, DNA cloning. In DNA cloning the transfer of a DNA fragment of

intrest from one organism to a self replicatinggenetic element such as bacterial plasmid.

There is also reproductive cloning which is a technology used to generate an animal that

has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal. This type

of cloning is what was used in the creation of Dolly, a sheep who lived to be six years

old. The third and final way of cloning is therapeutic cloning also known as embryo

cloning. Therapeutic cloning is the production of human embryos for use in research,

mainly in the use of stem cell research.

There are many controversies surrounding the idea of cloning people, animals,

and even stem cells. Those who are for it argue that the technolgy aspect is more vital

than the moral outlook. With cloning different types of cells scientists believe that it will

give them a better comprehension of genetics and could eventually help cure fatal

diseases that we are...