International Job Search

Essay by yenyx42College, UndergraduateB+, October 2014

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International Job Search

Starbucks realized early on that motivated and committed human resources were the key to the success of a retail business. Therefore the company took great care in selecting the right kind of people and made an effort to retain them. Consequently, the company's human resource policies reflected its commitment to its employees. 

Starbucks relied on its baristas and other frontline staff to a great extent in creating the 'Starbucks Experience' which differentiated it from competitors. Therefore the company paid considerable attention to the kind of people it recruited. Starbucks' recruitment motto was "To have the right people hiring the right people."

Starbucks realized early on that motivated and committed human resources were the key to the success of a retail business. Therefore the company took great care in selecting the right kind of people and made an effort to retain them.

Starbucks hired people for qualities like adaptability, dependability and the ability to work in a team.

The company often stated the qualities that it looked for in employees upfront in its job postings, which allowed prospective employees to self-select themselves to a certain extent. 

Having selected the right kind of people, Starbucks invested in training them in the skills they would require to perform their jobs efficiently. Starbucks was one of the few retail companies to invest considerably in employee training and provide comprehensive training to all classes of employees, including part-timers

A Barista at Starbucks must have a number of personal characteristics and skills, which will enable them to carry out their role. These skills and characteristics are likely to include friendliness, attention to detail, a commitment to providing customer service and an ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Pilbeam and Coridge indicate that successful resourcing is as much to do with good...