Involvement of women in the Home Rule through Easter Uprising

Essay by szenkriUniversity, Bachelor's January 2007

download word file, 6 pages 5.0

The history of Ireland has always been a crucial phenomena in Anglo-Saxon culture and history. In this essay, I will focus on and examine a very short fragment of the process through which Ireland became an independent country. To get rid of the English supremacy, Irishmen and Irishwomen had to unite to join forces in the political and military struggle. That's why, from the late 19th century onwards, women's political movement became even more stronger which had reached its peak during the debate on the Home Rule Act and at the Easter Uprising. In this paper, I will introduce the major female characters of Irish Nationalism and discuss the role of Irishwomen in the conflict of 1916.


The Home Rule Act

The first major conflict in the Irish society was induced by the debate on the Act of Home Rule. It began in 1870, it was the first official attempt of Irish politicians to clarify Ireland's position within the English dominion.

Ireland was controlled directly from London, she had no official Irish Parliament in Ireland, she had a very limited judicial and administrative power, too. These were subordinated to English administrative offices. Ireland wanted an own Parliament, the right to self-govern and to decide in major principles. At least three different Home Rules had been introduced until 1912 to clarify these needs.

The Conservatives of the Parliament in England constantly struggled with the Liberals. Home Rule Act was often vetoed by the House of Lords where Conservative majority ruled.

In order to defeat the Conservatives, in 1912 the Liberals conspirated with the supporters of the Home Rule, the supporters of Irish nationalist pursuits. Through different procedures - where the Conservative majority of the House of Lords was decreased and the power of the House of Lords was reduced -...