Who isn't evil?

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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To ask what is evil is to ask what the root of life is. To see evil, you must first be able to see good, you must be able to look evil in the eye and know what is staring back at you. Evil is the root of all pain and suffering. Evil is the pain that all people face every day of their lives, whether it is caused by pleasure, or by folly. It is the joy derived from spells of the witches in Macbeth. It is the act of Frankenstein's creation, and his decision not to create a mate. It is the actions of the savage beast Grendel, and the possible misfortunes of this outcast of society.

All actions taken by Macbeth, his wife, Lady Macbeth, and the witches have immoral intentions and evil outcomes. An example of such is Lady Macbeth's dark intentions to quicken Macbeth's crowning, with this "vaulting ambition" (Act 1 scene 7 line 27) she fuelled Macbeth to murder anyone or anything that stood in his path of a long reign.

The witches play a very important role in "Macbeth", as they initiate the evil plot. Even from the prologue we can see the witches are evil, as they say "Fair is foul, and foul is fair:" (Act 1 scene 1 line 11). The witches are truly evil and love evil for its own self unlike Macbeth as explained by the following: "Spiteful and wrathful; who, as others do,/Loves for his own ends, not for you." (Act 3 scene 5 line 12-13). They are continually committing mischievous deeds, such as killing swine, tormenting sailors, and casting spells.

Grendel is the embodiment of all that is evil and dark. He is an outside threat to the order of society and all that is...