jaipong dance

Essay by selviUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2014

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Selvi Yanti



Indonesia is a country that is made ​​up of thousands islands that Connecting connect into one. Many islands in Indonesia to impact with the presence of many cultures in Indonesia. Culture is the main attraction for the people of Indonesia. Cultures that characterizes each region. Each region has a different culture to culture in other areas. West Java, one of the provinces with the diverse cultures that attract many people's attention. One of the many cultures in West Java is Jaipong Dance.

If we ask what is characteristic of the province of West Java , we will hear the answer that is Jaipong Dance . Jaipong Dance is a social dance new creation spride of the people of West Java has been known not only in Indonesia but in Abroad ( Soepandi , 1994:49 ) . Named " Jaipongan " for this type of dance comes from the community Karawang .

Jaipong initially as a term to the sounds of drums accompaniment of folk dance which they jaipong reads , in onomotofe ( Soepandi , 1994:49 ) . Jaipong slap dance drums that at first as a social dance accompaniment in Bajidoran in Subang and Karawang area next social dance made ​​new creations . This new dance creations developed by Gugum Gumbira . Finally cultivate in West Java and throughout Indonesia ( Soepandi , 1994:49 ) . This social dance new creations subsequently named Jaipongan dance . With great tenacity and sacrifice , Gugum Gumbira attempt to collect the order motion dance of West Java which is then compiled as a source of copyright works . Jaipong Dance have diverse functions, in addition to the entertainment and be a medium of communication between the community, it also contains elements of education. Jaipong Dance Movement In choreographic still reveals patterns tradition (Ketuk Tilu) containing elements movement openings, pencugan, nibakeun and some range of motion mincid which in turn became the basis of the creation of Jaipongan dance. Some basic movement Jaipongan dance other than Ketuk Tilu, Ibing Bajidor and mask Banjet is Tayuban and Pencak Silat. Jaipong Dance dancers consists of a single dancer and rampak dancers. Single dancer usually only a woman dancer to bring dance in a specific song; for example in Kulu-kulu Bem song or Serat Salira. Then the dancers rampak consisting of several dancers, two or more dancers to dance together in a particular song (Soepandi, 1994:50). Pangrawit for penabuh gending amount is not certain dependent on the type of waditra used and the shape accompaniment used. Accompaniment in the form of: (1) Kendang, (2) Ketuk, (3) Rebab, (4) Goong, (5) Kecrek, and (6) Sinden. Jaipong dancer clothes, especially the woman dancers, usually wearing glamorous clothes. But despite the fancy shape remains grounded in traditional clothes. Woman dancers still use sinjang though not of batik clothes, materials and colors sinjang same with clothes. The clothes forms is various. There are half kebaya some are like Apok. Her hair is always given a bun with its accessories. Sampur wrapped around the waist. For male dancers assorted clothes anyway. There are styled champion with a mustache, tie clod, shucks, pangsi, leather belt from a large, machete and wearing bracelets bahar. There is also wearing a garment engineering stylized champion back in colors that blend.

Jaipong Dance has gait not only in West Java but also whole Indonesia. Jaipong Dance is one of the traditional arts very existence is still fairly young, but it turns out this art is very interested in the community, especially at the beginning of its development during the 1980s. Jaipong Dance used when important events, ceremonies, or welcoming strangers who came to Indonesia. Besides its presence in Indonesia, Jaipong Dance also have existence Abroad. Jaipong Dance often participate in missions abroad arts. According Soepandi (Soepandi, 1994:49) Jaipong Dance has often and will continue to be displayed in a few countries in the world by the ambassadors of dance arts in missions. In an effort to preserve Jaipong Dance, the role of government is needed in the development and management of traditional art more organized so that both artists and performances. In addition, the government is also expected to disseminate to the general public, especially the younger generation through the Department of Education with the knowledge of how to enter the rank on both traditional art theory and practice into the curriculum ranging from elementary school to high school level. This is in order maintain Jaipong Dance art in order not to become extinct. Besides the government, the community also has a very important role to maintain and preserve Jaipong Dance. Gugum Gumbira, argues that public participation should continue to be encouraged by facilitating arts performances in public spaces. Its purpose, open interaction with the public space while keeping arts and culture itself. The people should love their own culture more than the western cultures.

In conclusion, Jaipong Dance is a dance that comes from West Java which is the creation Gugum Gumbira, the movements are very graceful and beautiful. After we know what it Jaipong Dance, history and everything about Jaipong Dance, we should be able to love Jaipong Dance itself. Because with our love of traditional arts, then there will be curiosity will keep it in our hearts Jaipong Dance itself is not extinct at meal times.