Jefferson's Presidency

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2002

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During Washington's presidency, war began between Hamilton and Jefferson. Hamilton, The Secretary of Treasury, builded the colonies up economically. Through the assumption (amortization of national debt), the protective tariff, the excise on tax, and the First U.S. Bank. Jefferson opposed to Hamilton which began a political emergence of political parties (Federalist and Democratic Republicans). After the emergence, Adams became president, leading to the Judiciary Act. Whereafter, Jefferson became President. Which was considered the Revolution of 1800, due to the peaceful turn of presidency and the eviction of the Hamiltonians.

Jefferson's inaugural address stated that majority in all cases would prevail, however minority possess their equal rights. Comfortable in office, Jefferson began to set up his "caucus" or rather "spoils of office". Which meant holding a place in the federal government. After his settlement, Jefferson jettisoned the Alien and Sedition Acts and the excise tax. He than enacted the new naturalization law of 1802, in which the requirement for residence was turned back to 5 from 14 years.

Once Adams presidency was complete, the judiciary act was full in effect, The case Marbury vs. Madison, showed that the Supreme Court alone had the last word. However, Jefferson tried to contradice through "judgebreaking". In which, he tried to impeach Supreme Court justice, Samuel Chase. Who was unpopular with the Republicans. Jefferson's accusations were considered unconstitutional and thrown out of the court.