Jewish Children in Nazi Germany Schools

Essay by joe96High School, 10th grade June 2006

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Hitler never liked the Jews... He blamed them for all the misfortunes that had befallen Germany (eg: he thought that the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles were the result of a Jewish conspiracy, and that the hyperinflation in 1923 was the result of an international Jewish attempt to destroy Germany). One of his main aims when he came to power was therefore to make it clear to the German people that the Jews were "alien" and unwelcome in their country... The Nazis even used a special term to describe the Jews, "Untermenschen" - the sub-humans.

From the very first, Jews and their children suffered at the hands of the Nazis, and thus the world of Jewish children was rapidly restricted as soon as the Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933. Whilst they were in power, Hitler introduced a series of measures to control his country.

One of the most important ones was to indoctrinate the Youth, introducing Nazi-related subjects in schools and universities, such as Eugenics and Ideology, and dramatically changing the contents of certain already existing subjects such as maths, geography, history, sciences and physical education. He also controlled who teached at school... he made sure almost all teachers were Nazi supporters by making them join the Nazi Teacher's League.

The Jews were a special target of Nazi ideology and policies, and therefore in school, the Nazi teachers made it clear that they were an inferior race, completely out of place in Germany. They made sure they humiliated the Jewish children with oppressive teaching of racial biology that designated them as being racially inferior. They used methods of intimidation and humiliation to state the difference between an impeccable Aryan and a filthy old Jew. Later on, they also created some laws...