Joseph Stalin's Character Summary

Essay by GMXHigh School, 12th grade October 2004

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Josif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, known by many other names which he used for conspirational purposes while planning the Russian Revolution, some of these pseudonyms include Koba, Ivanovich, Soso, David, Nijeradze, and Chijikov. This man became a figure of global importance with the name Stalin, this alias says a great deal about his character; two Russian words combined "stal" meaning steel and Lenin. Stalin spent his first few years after the Revolution in several different senior administrative posts within the party, becoming in April 1922 the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Following Lenin's death on January 21st, 1924, Stalin, still the General Secretary, build up this post to be the most powerful in the country.

Stalin delivered the eulogy, had Lenin's body mummified, and saw to the building of a library and a museum both dedicated to Lenin. A photograph was made from two different photos showing Lenin and Stalin sitting comfortably together; this picture was published in newspapers and displayed on posters all over Soviet Union.

It is arguable if Stalin did this out of genuine love and care for Lenin's memory or to simply gain recognition and public sympathy.

During his reign Stalin brought many changes to the Soviet Union on a local and an international scales. This man has nerves of steel, he was not afraid to do what he saw must be done nor was he considerate of human lives. The raw facts are: Stalin modernised and gave Soviet Union a "great power" title, Stalin sacrificed tens of millions of citizen's lives in doing so. As a result of Stalin's 5 year plans, by the time of World War II hit the Soviet Union, it's industrial-military complex was able to help resist the German invasion. In Stalin's time other major powers like Britain, Germany, and...